Position: Midfielder

Stuart Metcalfe
Why did I join Tubby FC.
I joined the team as I was at my heaviest weight I have ever been and didn’t like what I could see in the mirror. My confidence was shot and struggling with depression. I was so up and down with my life. Plus I wanted to become a part of a team.
How this group has helped me.
Through this group I now do at least an hours exercise every week. When we either train or play. I have also got my act together and try run or walk almost every evening after I finish work. I have also became a lot more aware of what I am eating. In doing this I have managed to be the biggest loser twice in a row and have lost over 2.5 stone so far.
On another note I have lived on the estate for almost 9 years and I feel I have made more friends in the last 3 months because of the team. The best thing is we all have the same things in common. Football, mental health and weight.
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